Q/E  Barrel Roll. 

WASD/UDLR directions, 

+CTRL Strafe


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(2 edits)

I'm not editing this after submission, so I'll add extra details as comments. There are no premade assets in use. This was built in Unity 2022.3.36, Using URP. I completed this in 7 hours early in the weekend, and was hoping to get about 20 hours. Original GDD: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15JhQQX7glpRutyklPn6huvQmSUYxxPX_4XkobDDPHWw/... - Disregarded After Debris Launching was working. Fun wasn't there. I changed tack to coin collection. 

I got back to the PC about 10 minutes before time ran out.  I did not have a chance to test this out. I do have an issue where my physics forces are applied in update, so depending on what system its running on, it gets twice the speed. :(

I will post a follow up to this with modifications, but as another game, or at least after this judging on this is done. All content in under 9 megs. I built this as a standalone developer in 8 hours. I was planning to work on visuals more, and I'm really glad I used placeholder art (I spent maybe 1-2 hours in blender/gimp or the 7 total.), otherwise I wouldn't have gotten this out the door. 

I've added. 1.5 hours more work, and found the speed glitch. I had an extra *Time.DeltaTime, in a few spots being set in update instead of fixed. All physics were applied in physics update, so any time set in update would throw it off. When compiling to WebGL the Physics tick and Update ticks change from windows defaults. This is resolved now, so they will match.  FlowDrive Post MelonJam by Dan Violet Sagmiller (itch.io), also the source for this release, and the current release can be found there as well.